About us
We are two sisters with complementary skills in the heart of a family property dating from the 15th century. It is surrounded by our animals that we create wines like us: full of life and freshness.
Property dating from the 15th century Former military fort remodeled in the 17th century
Rozier family
It was in 1899 that the Rozier family acquired the property. Since then, 4 generations have followed one another
Claudine Rozier helps her two daughters to take over the property
The mother
She worked to handover to her children. She supports them today by taking care mainly of the BnB and her grandchildren, in addition to her other associative commitments. She is always very present in case her children need her.

The two sisters
Anne-Cécile: the technician
She likes to say that she fell into the barrel when she was little. Strong of her professional experience, she joined the property in September 2013 to take charge of the technical part of the vineyard. She is passionate. Her sensitivity is reflected in her wines.

Marie-Caroline: the commercial
She likes to say that she has always avoided the wine industry, until she decided to come back to the family vineyard. After a first life abroad, she joined her sister in 2014 to develop the sales. More at home than on the roads, she is passionate about developing wine tourism on the property.